
Laif 900

Designrelaunch / Logo & Packaging Design

The key tasks of the packaging design relaunch were to strengthen Laif as an umbrella brand and to create a brand bracket that included both – RX and OTC products.

The St. John's wort product was to be given a new, contemporary and appealing packaging design without losing recognizability.


The first element of the modernization is the photo-realistic, light-flooded flower illustration. On the next level the graphical elements and the copy were rearranged to achieve a calm and structured packaging appearance.

Der erste Baustein der Modernisierung ist die fotorealistische, lichtdurchflutete Abbildung der Blüte. Die graphischen und textlichen Elemente wurden ebenfalls neu arrangiert und geben so dem Produktnamen und Keyvisual mehr Raum und der Verpackung eine ruhige und sachliche Struktur.



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D-22761 Hamburg

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